Trade Status

Modified on Wed, Jun 26 at 11:52 PM

Trade status determines the progress of your trades, and you can view them from your user dashboard when logged in to your account.

There are eight statuses your trade could possibly have:

  • Active funded
    • A trade has started, and funds have been transferred from the seller’s wallet into trade escrow.

  • Paid 
    • A buyer has marked the trade as paid. It means that a buyer of cryptocurrency is sure that he has made the payment and has actually clicked the Paid button.

  • Expired 
    • Every trade has a payment window for a buyer to make a payment. When a trade is funded but a buyer fails to mark it as paid, the payment window expires. This status means that a trade has been cancelled.

  • Cancelled 
    • A buyer or seller has willingly cancelled a trade.

  • Dispute open 
    • A buyer or seller has opened a dispute.

  • Successful 
    • A seller of cryptocurrency has released funds from the trade escrow to the buyer’s wallet.

  • Awarded seller 
    • A dispute has taken place, and cryptocurrency was awarded to the seller of cryptocurrency.

  • Awarded buyer 
    • A dispute has taken place, and cryptocurrency was awarded to the buyer of cryptocurrency.

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